Friday, November 7, 2008

Maya SpringBoard!

Ok, It's been a while since a posted something, and alot has been going on.

First of all Maya Springboard started 3 weeks ago and we've been doing alot of excersises, wich is good! We started to learn how to navigate around Maya, but I've used Maya before so that wasn't much of a problem. After that we learned some basic moddeling, so creating 3D objects in Maya. After that it got a little harder when we had to create a character. A simple one though, but it was harder then the first assignment.

Now this week were actually working on a set. We have to build a enviroment for our character. I decided to make a gym, because there are alot af props you can put in a gym. Now the set is pretty much ready, still have to tweak some things, but the biggest problem is texturing ang lighthing the scene. That'll be hard since i have never textured or lit anything in Maya before. But i get alot of help from the students here so I don't think it'll be that big of a problem. Now before I go here is what the scene looks like now.

Next week I'll show you the final scene, so texured and lit and all. Still so much to do....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...